Junghwa Kim (April)

April is the Senior Physiotherapist at Mortdale Physiotherapy. Since she graduated from the University of Sydney Bachelor of Applied Science/Physiotherapy program in 2012, she has been working in private practice and has experience in seeing a broad range of patients. She has a wealth of clinical expertise in the areas of Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy, Sports Injury, and Women’s Health Physiotherapy. April’s skillset enables her to provide a tailored approach to meet the specific needs of individual clients. She takes a multi-modal approach to treatment and incorporates traditional techniques such as dry needling and cupping.

Edwin Tsang

Edwin graduated from the Charles Sturt University, Bachelor of physiotherapy course, with a background in Health Sciences. He is a clinician with a passion for client-centred care and has a particular interest in musculoskeletal and sports injuries. He takes a flexible and multi-modal approach to management of injuries, including the use of hands-on treatment and rehabilitation exercise.